A word search puzzle is simple in form but is a favorite among kids! With no prior knowledge or logic required, kids can have great fun finding the words while reinforcing key ideas from the lesson.
Genesis 1 : 1 - 5
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth. In this Bible word search, a Bible passage is given with words highlighted to find in the word search grid. This helps the solver see the words in context.
Matthew 27 - 28, John 19 - 20
Each year, Christians celebrate Easter, the time when Jesus was crucified and resurrected from the dead. Find all the words in our Easter Word Search!
Matthew 26:36-46
Jesus went into a garden in Gethsemane to pray to his father, God, shortly before he was to die on the cross, asking for strength.
Genesis 1 : 20 - 23
On the fifth day of creation, God created the animals of the seas and the air. Find all the words in this Bible word search relating to the fifth day of creation!
Genesis 1 : 6 - 8
Discover what God created on the second day with this Bible passage word search. Find the highlighted words in the grid.
Genesis 1 : 14 - 19
On the fourth day, God made the sun and the moon to give light to the earth. Find the hidden words in this Bible word search, from the words highlighted in the Bible verses.
Genesis 1 : 9 - 13
On the third day of creation, God made the land and the seas, and the plants. Read and learn about it with this Bible scripture word search
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