Learn about the different Bible characters and stories of the Bible through pictures - grab your pens, pencils and crayons and color in scenes from the Bible with these Bible coloring sheets!
Genesis 1
God created the world and everything within it. Color this picture showing a scene from the creation!
Genesis 1 : 1
God shaped the world with his hands to create the world we live in. Color this worksheet showing how God has the whole world in his hands
John 2 : 1 - 11
At the wedding in Cana they were running out of wine, but Jesus performed his first miracle to turn water into wine. Color in this picture of the servants filling water pots
1 Kings 17
When Elijah met the widow at Zarephath, he helped provide enough food for her to feed her family.
1 Samuel 17
David volunteered to fight against the Philistine champion, Goliath, with nothing but his sling and few stones. Color in this picture of David fighting Goliath.
Exodus 14
When the Israelites escaped from Egypt they were chased by the Egyptian army. They were guided through the Red Sea by Moses
Luke 5
Jesus instructed Simon to cast his nets into the water, even though they had caught nothing all night. When they pulled the nets out of the water they were so full of fish the nets started to break! Color in this miraculous catch of fish
Judges 14
In a vineyard in Timnah, a young lion came towards Samson. Color in this picture of Samson fighting with the lion.
Luke 2 : 41 - 52
Jesus stayed behind after he visited Jerusalem with his parents. He was only twelve years old at the time and when his parents couldn't find him they went back to look for him and found him in the temple.
Jonah 1
When the sea wouldn't calm down, the ship's crew threw Jonah overboard and the sea stopped raging
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